by VPI Solutions Development



From November 1, 2014, the Decree 83 on official petroleum business is applied. Petrol prices are applied according to this decree with an adjusted frequency of 15 days / time and an average increase / decrease of 15 days. most recently, continue to follow the increase or decrease of world petrol prices. Therefore, the petroleum business becomes more active and moving faster than ever. Within 15 days, retail prices of petroleum products, kerosene, and FO will change according to world prices. Observed in the last 7 years, the change in retail price in the last 15 days is quite wide, from 100 vnd / liter to over 2000vnd / liter, depending on the strong / weak fluctuation of world oil prices WTI, BRENT and finished product prices in Singapore. moreover, in addition to finding customers, reducing costs, relations with suppliers ..., petroleum business needs to be able to assess the increase / decrease trend of gasoline retail prices in a relatively short time to have We can optimize profit. We are proud to be the provider of forecast information for Vietnams petroleum industry from 2008 up to now. The use of our information as business information orthodox has been implemented by many petroleum trading enterprises for many years. In addition to providing the purchase price of all petroleum products sold internationally, we also provide forecasts with high precision on time increased prices, reduced growth / retail price. Continuously updating the situation of information on the petroleum market by phone helps you understand more and more clearly the trend of prices. From there, there will be appropriate buying / selling actions to optimize. Please contact us as soon as possible so that your business is always convenient.